Board Meeting 12/2021

Board Meeting 12/2021 December 13th, 2021 / 6:00 PM EDT

Company Attendance

Luke Strickland


Executive Report

Hello everyone, welcome to the last board meeting of the year! Thank you all for your patience in getting one of these scheduled, my time as of late has been especially constricted. However as we go into the new year, I’ll personally be very free again to work on Glimesh and continue moving this ship along!

That’s not to say that we haven’t been busy though. In the past couple of months everyone who helps contribute has been working on several major features we hope will help in our growth efforts. The two big ones we’re making great progress on are the mobile app (which will be coming for both iOS and Android) and low-latency RTMP streaming. We’ve now done a successful 24 hour test stream of some blender movies with great quality and only minimal issues during packet loss. With the mobile app, we’ve now got it in the hands of some of the Glimesh GCT and our volunteer developers to help find some early show-stopping bugs. Once we have the viewer count counting mobile viewers, we’ll release the mobile app for testing. Then finally, when you’re able to watch streams without being logged in, we’ll release it to the general public.

On another note, I’m going to start focusing a little less on the specific features during these board meetings, due to the amazing results of our GCTalks meetings! They are happening very frequently now, and cover in great detail all of our features new & old. However we’ll still cover things at a high level, but if you haven’t already check out our blog to catch up on the GCTalks events!

Thanks for being here tonight, let us know if you have any questions and thank you for making this a great year for Glimesh!

  • clone1018


Social media decline has been consistent for a couple of months now, due to no major social media campaigns or focuses. At the moment we’re mostly using it to inform our existing users, and keep a pulse beating so people know we’re alive.

Due to an unfortunate bug some of the data from our viewer counting is missing for September, October, and November. The bug was fixed in early December so the numbers should get back on track.

However we have seen a nice trend with our average website traffic going up for the month of November. This spike can be attributed to our launch of the channel donations and 60/40 split feature, which we spread on Twitter and on our GCTalks very thoroughly. It’s also interesting to note the dip in traffic during America’s Thanksgiving.

June 2021July 2021August 2021September 2021October 2021November 2021
Social Media
Website Traffic
Unique Visitors30,30025,60025,80029,10020,00021,000
Total Pageviews219,000184,000211,000197,000119,000166,000

Note: Some data is missing from September and October for the social media stats. It is denoted with italics and underlined.


Our finance categories are split up into two categories: Software as a Service (generally recurring) and Physical Sales (generally one time). This financial spreadsheet breaks down those two categories, in addition to providing a traditional P&L itemization.

June 2021July 2021August 2021September 2021October 2021November 2021
Software as a Service
Gross Subscriptions$ 5,960.00$ 5,075.00$ 4,060.00$ 3,315.00$ 2,835.00$ 3,087.59
Streamer Payouts$ (1,451.03)$ (1,044.30)$ (838.70)$ (780.07)$ (507.97)$ (1,099.05)
Charges Fees$ (429.08)$ (360.70)$ (288.98)$ (237.83)$ (203.29)$ (216.89)
Refunds$ (5.00)$ -$ (5.00)$ -$ -$ (25.00)
Connect Fee (prev month)$ (916.02)$ (772.94)$ (668.77)$ (535.62)$ (470.68)$ (347.26)
Subscription Expenses$ (2,801.13)$ (2,177.94)$ (1,801.45)$ (1,553.52)$ (1,181.94)$ (1,688.20)
Subscription Revenue$ 3,158.87$ 2,897.06$ 2,258.55$ 1,761.48$ 1,653.06$ 1,399.39
Physical Sales
Merch Sales$ 56.00$ 56.00$ 28.00$ 382.81$ 26.89$ 26.89
Printful Fee$ (46.77)$ (65.17)$ (16.92)$ (206.77)$ (15.94)$ (15.94)
Shopify Fee$ (30.74)$ (30.74)$ (30.74)$ (30.74)$ (30.74)$ (30.74)
Merch Expenses$ (77.51)$ (95.91)$ (47.66)$ (237.51)$ (46.68)$ (46.68)
Merch Revenue$ (21.51)$ (39.91)$ (19.66)$ 145.30$ (19.79)$ (19.79)
DO Credits$ -$ -$ 0.34$ -$ -$ -
DO Infra$ (1,438.24)$ (1,315.69)$ (1,332.00)$ (1,343.04)$ (1,350.00)$ (1,350.00)
DO Bandwidth - Overage$ -$ --$ -$ -$ -
IaaS & PaaS Tax$ (86.29)$ (78.94)$ (79.90)$ (80.58)$ (81.00)$ (81.00)
Vultr Expenses$ (40.00)$ (40.00)$ (50.90)$ (96.35)$ (60.00)$ (60.00)
Total Infra Expenses$ (1,564.53)$ (1,434.63)$ (1,462.80)$ (1,519.97)$ (1,491.00)$ (1,491.00)
Recurring Services$ (585.68)$ (473.34)$ (443.34)$ (247.34)$ (276.34)$ (278.08)
One Time Services$ (247.89)$ (275.07)$ -$ (300.00)$ -$ (104.94)
Domain Renewal$ -$ (98.65)$ -$ -$ -$ (26.82)
Charitable Donations$ (1,000.00)$ -$ (629.55)$ -$ -$ -
Total Income$ 6,016.00$ 5,131.00$ 4,088.00$ 3,697.81$ 2,861.89$ 3,114.48
Total Expenses$ (6,276.74)$ (4,555.54)$ (4,384.80)$ (3,858.34)$ (2,995.96)$ (3,635.72)
Total Profit$ (260.74)$ 575.46$ (296.80)$ (160.53)$ (134.07)$ (521.24)
Stripe Balance$ 2,289.51$ 5,707.27$ 7,056.40$ 8,684.46$ 2,063.85
Checking Balance$ 17,981.84$ 18,035.83$ 15,283.62$ 13,829.88$ 12,013.78$ 17,993.15
Complete Balance$ 17,981.84$ 20,325.34$ 20,990.89$ 20,886.28$ 20,698.24$ 20,057.00

Glimesh News

Glimesh News is now summaries of the work being done on the Building Glimesh forum and the GCTalks event that is hosted. Want to see your work here? Be sure to use our new forum!

  1. Launched Channel Donations! Donate to any channel with a sub button, streamers keep all of the money minus Stripe incurred fees.
  2. Channel Subscription Cut percentage is now 40% for us, 60% for streamers.
  3. Newly launched events system tells you what’s happening on Glimesh and when! Never miss your favorite streamer or Glimesh stream.

Looking for more Glimesh news? Check out our most recent GCTalks event for a deep dive with the team!

GCTalks November 23rd

Previous Business

No previous business.

New Business

No new business.